Meaningful learning can happen in many forms. At Joey’s, students are immersed in the digital world through a variety of devices, platforms and highly engaging programs.

Students in the Lower Precinct (Prep & Year 1) use iPads in their day to day learning. Seesaw creates a powerful link between students, teachers and families. Students show their learning by capturing what they know. Teachers gain insights into the student thinking and progress. Families connect with their child’s learning and gain a window into what’s happening in the learning spaces.

St. Joseph’s offers 1-to-1 laptop computing for all Year 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 students.

The Middle Precinct (Years 2, 3 & 4) are provided with Chromebooks and iPads as an assistive tool for their learning. Across the Middle Precinct the students will engage with GSuite for Education, Google Classroom, Stile and SeeSaw.

The Upper Precinct students (Year Five & Six) are provided with a MacBook Air which travels between home and school every day. This is an essential part of their ‘Pencil Case’ as most of their learning activities are available through various online platforms including Google Classroom, Google Sites and Stile.