October 27, 2021
Good afternoon,
St Joseph’s Park Avenue recently entered into Rockhampton Regional Council’s Sustainability in Action! Schools Calendar Competition.
Congratulations! St Joseph’s Park Avenue is the Sustainability Champion for ‘Composting and worm farming’
St Joseph’s winning entry will feature in the ‘Sustainability in Action! 2022 Rockhampton Region Community Calendar’. As Sustainability Champion, the school will be awarded $200 to support future sustainability actions within the school and a school sustainability pack will be presented at an upcoming school assembly.
Presentation of Prizes
A presentation of prizes from Rockhampton Regional Councillors has been scheduled to align with the school assembly from 8:30am, Monday 29th November 2021.
The Schools Calendar Competition is designed to recognise and celebrate sustainability action at the school. St Joseph’s will receive an allocation of the Sustainability in Action! 2022 Rockhampton Region Community Calendars to distribute to your school community and families. Rockhampton Regional Council’s Environmental Sustainability Team look forward to working with us all as we continue to strengthen our community capacity to live sustainably.