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Newsletter – Term 1 Week 3, 2023

February 8, 2023


It was wonderful to celebrate our Opening School Mass with the school and parish communities on Friday. Although it was a little uncomfortable due to being a warm day, it was a lovely ceremony. Thank you to Fr Terry who presided over the Mass, our special guests, Mr Hogan for being an Eucharistic Minister, Mrs Voss for playing the organ and Mrs Carter for organising the Mass. During this ceremony, we took the opportunity to welcome our new staff: Miss Liddell, Miss Borich, Mrs Svendsen, Miss Guest, Miss McDonald and Mr Smith. Our new staff were presented with a copy of our school values as well as some St Joseph’s staff apparel.

Welcome BBQ

Yesterday afternoon / evening we held our Welcome BBQ. Thank you to everyone who took the time to meet the class teachers and socialise with other community members. These occasions are a great way for parents to build relationships with the St Joseph’s staff as well as with the wider parent community. Thank you to the staff who gave of their time for this event.

Upcoming Events:

  • P&F Meeting – Wednesday, 8th February (tonight)
  • Year 4-6 rotational sport activities begin on Friday, 10th February
  • Mike Kelso school visit – Friday, 10th February
  • There is a pupil free day on Friday, 17th February to enable all staff from our Catholic Schools to attend the annual Bishop’s Inservice Day. Please note there will be no OSHC offered on that day.
  • Ash Wednesday – 22nd February
  • Year 6 Camp Parent Information Evening – Wednesday, 22nd February

Please feel free to see any member of the Leadership Team if you have any concerns throughout the year. We are more than happy to discuss matters with you.

Deanne Senini
Acting Principal


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