March 2, 2022
Dear Parents & Guardians
The Rockhampton Catholic Education Office will be hosting this year’s St Patrick’s Race Day on Saturday the 12th of March. The day helps support Catholic Primary schools from Rockhampton and the Capricorn Coast.
Information on where to purchase tickets is on the official banner below.
Instead of a St Pat’s Raffle we will be having a St Patrick’s Day free dress day. Students will be asked to dress in green to celebrate Ireland’s most famous Saint. We ask for a gold coin donation for each student on the day.
A big shout out the Roser family who again have donated St Joseph’s Spot Prize for the St Pat’s races in the form of a $100 Va Voom gift voucher from their business in the Red Hill centre. Thank you very much to a family who no longer have children at Joeys yet still have a strong connection to our community. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.
This Friday at 6:00pm, the Queensland Government’s mask mandates and restricted access will cease. This means that visitors will no longer have to wear a mask and site limitations in terms of visitor numbers will be lifted. This means that the following school events will begin to resume as per normal.
We do however still have to have school volunteers check-in as per normal processes and provide proof of vaccination. The loosening of restrictions does not change the fact that if someone is unwell, they should refrain from coming on site, or if a child becomes unwell while at school, they need to be collected as soon as possible. Those who wish to remain wearing face masks will be supported in their choice to do so.
The P&F Association have provided me with the link for the SJPA Second-hand Uniform Facebook Group –
Don’t Forget….
Kindest Regards
Bernard Fitzgerald
Principal – St. Joseph’s Catholic School Park Avenue
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