November 24, 2021
A huge congratulations to the P&F who hosted our postponed movie night last Friday evening. It was a huge turnout to our first community event in quite some time. As I said on the night, we will learn from this event and look to host multiple community based, family events in 2022.
As the end of the school year draws near, we still have a few significant events to celebrate on the Joey’s calendar. The first of these being our school Presentation Night this Thursday, 25th November. The evening will be held in the school Multi-Purpose Area beginning promptly at 6:00pm. Each grade level, including the Kindy, have been working hard to prepare a Christmas song to perform on the night, which will also include the presentation of our annual awards that recognise the efforts of students throughout the entire year.
I would ask that during the evening we keep general conversation to a minimum as a form of respect for those performing or presenting and receiving awards on the night.
The night is anticipated to conclude at approximately 7:30pm and it would be lovely to see as many of our students and their families come along and attend.
Monday 29th November at 8:35am we will be holding our Semester 2 Academic Awards. All are welcome to attend as long as spectators follow COVID processes of booking into the school via Check In QLD app on arrival, being socially distant from those not in your own household and not attending if you are showing flu like symptoms. At this assembly we will be celebrating our Gold, Silver, Bronze and Maroon Academic Awards recipients as well as our Navy Effort Awards for Semester 2. As per our normal procedures, and the length of the event, our Prep students will not attend this assembly.
Next Wednesday evening, 1st December we will be celebrating our Graduation Mass for the Year 6 students, which will mark the culmination of their primary schooling. The evening will commence with mass in OLHC Church at 6:00pm followed by a presentation & dinner for the students and their parents at the Rockhampton Leagues Club. Year 6 Parents, please ensure you are up to date on all the information by remaining in contact with the Year 6 teachers and reading all the communications sent home. I am sure it will be a memorable night for all those who are involved.
Thursday 2nd December, our Year 6 class will be holding their ‘Fun Day’ celebration and traveling to Keppel Island for the day. Information about this event was sent home in the form of a note with each student.
Drawing our school year to a close will be our End of Year Mass next week on Friday, 3rd December. We will be celebrating with a whole school Mass commencing at 9:00am in OLHC church. The Mass not only provides us the opportunity to say fare well to our Year 6 students for the final time, it will also incorporate the induction of our student leaders for the 2022 school year.
As you will all be aware of Joey’s educational philosophy and how our new open learning spaces support the delivery of the curriculum to our students, every child in the school will be a part of a Year Level cohort and will all have two teachers and an Educational Support Officer within their double sized learning spaces.
The Joey’s teaching staff for 2022 will be as follows:
Prep – Rebecca Gabriel, Kirsty McLeod, Beth O’Brien and Kristie Sloan
Year 1 – Michelle Hannah, Paula Roati and Kylie Schoneveld
Year 2 – Louise Chapman, Kerrie Tennyson/Aimee Watson and Lyn Lavender
Year 3 – Erin Tranberg, Leah Ward and Jacinta Beak
Year 4 – Daena Walton, Tina Thorsen and Kelson Tennyson
Year 5 – Ann McCutcheon, Catherine Farr and Rachael Duncan
Year 6 – Hannah Hamilton, Alana Jones and Kaitlyn Brosnan
Inclusive Curriculum – Lesley Donohoe and Brooke Black
PE Specialist – TBD
Arts Specialist – Kira Tickner
MiniLit – Leonie Mooney and Madelein Paap
Indigenous Support – Jess Ivers and Ashley Gray
Special Project Numeracy Extension – Alice Wayman
Special Project Writing Extension – Tarina Hancock
Special Project Support – Rebecca Whiting & Jacinta Thackeray
School reports for the Second Semester will be posted on Parent Lounge on Wednesday, 1st December. Please ensure you have your appropriate login details in order to access your child’s information.
Don’t Forget….
2022 School Year Commences. Monday, 24th January 2022
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